SANBlaze技术有限公司是存储仿真技术领域的**,也是嵌入式系统存储联网解决方案的良好提供商。世界上大多数主要的存储软硬件供应商的测试与开发实验室都部署了SANBlaze仿真系统。目前SANBlaze推出了支持12G SAS,16/32G FC,40G FCoE/iSCSI,NVMe协议Initiator及Target的存储仿真解决方案。 SANBlaze, the leader in storage emulation, designs and manufactures target and initiator emulators for FCoE, Fibre Channel, SAS, NVMe and iSCSI storage protocols. Our highly configurable systems are unique in their ability to emulate actual storage devices and hosts. SANBlaze storage emulation products include the patented VirtuaLUN and GargantuLUN family of SAN target and initiator emulation systems and are deployed in the test and development labs the majority of major storage hardware and software vendors worldwide.